Introducing: Kat Dahlia

Theirs a lot of upcoming artists that's trying get in the spotlight, but one of them has gotten my attention: Epic Record's new artist Kat Dahlia (formerly known as Kat Hue).

She is a 22-year-old, who was raised in Miami Beach by Cuban-born parents. The rapper-singer-songwriter was introduced by Sylvia Rhone. The music industry veteran signed her Vested in Culture label with Epic Records after hearing her demos for the first time.

The newcomer released her debut single "Gangsta", which has R&B-influenced track about struggles her family faced while she was growing up. MTV has described her as "a hip-hop Lana Del Rey crossed with the innate hardness of Rihanna" and I couldn't agree more. I would also say she a mix of Nelly Furtado with Latin, hip-hop and reggae influences.

"I think that 'Gangsta' was definitely therapeutic", Dahlia told MTV News. "I was definitely going through a lot at the time. I'm not embarrassed about it at all. I'm an open person generally. I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve and I don't have a problem doing that. Honesty is always the best way to go".

Kat Dahlia definitely has something special, her music is different and it stands out. Most importantly she can actually sing, that's major plus for me. I hope Epic Records do their best in promoting and getting her out in the public, because Kat's talent can't go to waste.

Her debut studio album is slated to drop in July. Listen to the track below.


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