Nina Sky covers BRAVE Magazine June 2012 Issue

Nina Sky covers the June 2012 issue of BRAVE Magazine. The twins sat down for interview, they duo opened up about their upcoming album "Nicole & Natalie", dealing with the struggles of the music business and more. Take a look at an excerpt from their interview:

"When we wrote our first album, we were young and having fun in our music. We didn't have much life experience, and the content we wrote about was based on what we saw around us. This new album is based on our own life experiences in the past years. We’ve traveled the world and have dealt with both the business and creative aspects of this industry, We have a lot more to say and are way more involved in the entire process, you can definitely hear our growth on this record [...] It’s been 9 years since our first album came out and we’re ready to show our evolution not only as artists but as young women".

The entire interview and the behind-the-scenes look at the shoot is available at


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