Coldplay's Chris Martin duets with Rihanna on "Princess of China"

Coldplay has teamed up with Rihanna on a duet titled "Princess Of China" on the from the group's forthcoming fifth album "Mylo Xyloto" due out October 24th. Martin told MTV that he wanted to offer the song to Rihanna for her new album "Talk That Talk", but his bandmates wanted to keep it for their album.

"In like a dream scenario, we had a song that I'd secretly kind of written to see if Rihanna would want to sing it. And then the rest of the band wanted to keep it, so we came up with the idea of asking her to sing it with us, and, to our great surprise, she said okay".

I really like the song, I never expected them to come together to do a song. Check it out after the jump.


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